A work place coach

As well as carrying out my daily duties, I've taken on the role of work place coach. It's a great way to develop your skills and take the next step on the career ladder. I really enjoy meeting and working with new people, and, as a coach, it's up to me to support my colleagues in a number of areas. I help to make sure all new team members receive training on their work area and the journey of a letter, and help them to complete their learning records. I provide extra support and refresher training on an individual basis where gaps are identified. I get everyone up to speed on new products, equipment and change programmes and I look after the apprentices.

I get satisfaction in seeing people I have coached doing a good job. It's nice to be trusted to coach colleagues effectively and it's a good feeling knowing that people feel they can approach me at any time with any questions they may have. We are trusted to make sure new starters don't feel isolated and this helps them settle in and feel part of the team from the start.

Matthew Fleming

Workplace Coach in Aberdeen Mail Centre


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